The Taiwan Monthly
Global Connection
The Taiwan market maintains momentum
The TWSE held six online investment events. During these events, foreign investors are particularly interested in the new trading board, the new trading mechanism, and the enhancement of CG/ESG....
With the pandemic closely controlled, the TWSE remains diligent
With the significant drop in confirmed cases over the past weeks, Taiwan’s Covid-19 situation is tightly monitored and managed. The Central Epidemic Command Center (“CECC”) announced that it will lowe...
Market & ETP Overview
Technology themed ETFs - the new options for investment
In recent years, the innovative applications of smart technologies have been expanding, and the investment products with technology themes are attracting investor's attention. New ETFs focusing on sem...
All TWSE listed companies should appoint a Chief Corporate Governance Officer before June 30, 2023.
In accordance with the "Corporate Governance 3.0 -Sustainable Development Roadmap" released by the Financial Supervisory Commission (FSC), Article 20 of the "Corporation Operation ...
Video of the Top 5% of enterprises in the 7th Corporate Governance Evaluation is launched online for your viewing!
The result of the 7th Corporate Governance Evaluation was release at the end of April (2021) of this year. Commendation has been given to enterprises that exhibited sound ...
Trading Policies
TWSE introduces stock market making mechanism at the end of June
The market making mechanism for TWSE-listed stocks has be implemented on June 30, 2021....
Listed Companies and Initial Public Offerings
Taiwan Innovation Board (TIB) officially launched! A brand new platform injecting new momentum into the economy
A brand new platform clustering innovative listings....
Revenues of all listed companies in June 2021 rose by 14.76% and accumulated revenues rose by 21.62% compared to year 2020
Revenues of all listed companies in June 2021 rose by 14.76% and accumulated revenues rose by 21.62% compared to year 2020...
AMPAK Technology, Inc. has submitted its application for listing on the TWSE on July 15 , 2021
AMPAK Technology, Inc. has submitted its application for listing on the TWSE on July 15 , 2021...
Yi Shin Textile Industrial Co., Ltd. has submitted its application for listing on the TWSE on July 5 , 2021
Yi Shin Textile Industrial Co., Ltd. has submitted its application for listing on the TWSE on July 5 , 2021...
The schedule of incoming competitive auction cases
Information about the competitive auction schedule can be found at the following link....